Compañías Muzo Colombia

Sustainability > Corporate Social Responsibility

Commitment to the community

Through the Corporate Social Responsibility projects of The Muzo Companies Colombia, we have contributed significantly to the Western region of Boyaca. The main company in charge of the planning and development of these social initiatives is our Muzo Foundation, which operates under four pillars, attending the main problems of the area of influence:

Education: We promote human development through creative and innovative academic training strategies that build new generations of progress for the region, from early childhood to higher education. For this reason, we have educational projects among which the supplying of school kits, uniforms and scholarships for higher education stand out. Additionally, we have artistic training schools for children of all ages in our area of influence.


Food security and productive projects: We seek to contribute to the eradication of hunger and promote productive alternatives that generate sustainable development in the region. Thus, we promote the implementation of self-sufficient productive alternatives that enable the sustainable economic growth of the inhabitants, such as cocoa harvests and Family Farms, in which the feminine contribution stands out.

Institutional strengthening and leadership: We strengthen organizations so that they can create and manage initiatives for the benefit of their communities, fostering leadership in favor of promoting the social economy, solidarity and local development. We facilitate the consolidation of the Community Action Boards in the area through training, advising and support in the development of projects that promote their management and influence the transformation of their territory. We work to train the new generations to be active leaders and responsible citizens, managers of their future and that of their community.

Health and population: We provide the mining sector community with timely and adequate access to quality health services. Through the financing and adaptation of health infrastructure and medical personnel, we reduce the great obstacles faced by communities in the mining sector that have increased with the occurance of the pandemic. We work to eliminate the hunger of the rural population, through initiatives that guarantee easy and quick access to food. Currently, we have a community canteen for elders that benefits more than two hundred (+200) former informal miners who live in the region.