Compañías Muzo Colombia

Our Operations > Cut and Preform

Mastery and Perfection

Preform, cut and polish of emeralds.

After the extraction of the emeralds by our company EMS, the stones are classified and valued by our subsidiary Puerto Arturo S.A.S, the company registered with the National Mining Agency as the holder of the exploitation licenses. The process continues with inventory control in which all the material received from the mine is evluated and analyzed by external contractors that assign a price to each stone. Subsequently, the stones are classified according to their tone, size and crystal. Then the corresponding payment of royalties is made, which allows us to proceed with the logistics for the export to our facilities in Esmeraldas de los Andes, EDLA, our emerald industrial transformation company located in the Bogota Free Trade Zone.

smeraldas de los Andes is a sophisticated emerald processing workshop that for more than a decade has hired the most experienced master cutters, they have adopted the most rigorous emerald cutting and polishing practices required by the international jewelry industry and have invested in state-of-the-art technology, making it the most sophisticated emerald cutting, preforming and polishing center in the world. In their facilities, nearly one hundred professionals in preforming, cutting, polishing, treatment, inventory, logistics and export processes receive the raw material extracted from the Puerto Arturo mine and export it to the MUZO group’s sales houses internationally, as a unique gemstone of very high value.

EDLA’s participation in the Mine to Market model is highlighted for being the company in charge of producing the Certificate of Origin and Traceability of each stone. This document indicates the date and place of extraction, the shape and weight of the stone, provides details of the gem in its rough, preformed and cut state (final product), also indicates whether the gemstone has been treated with natural cedar oil. The implementation of the information system in all areas of the companies has allowed us to capture data and results in real time, which we will be able to offer greater opportunity in the issuance of certificates requested by customers.